Cheerful Hearts Ministry exists to create the environments to encounter Christ; becoming deeply rooted in Truth affecting change in this culture and community.
Cheerful Hearts Ministry exists to create the environments to encounter Christ; becoming deeply rooted in Truth affecting change in this culture and community.
First time here? Learn who we are through a “First Encounter”
If you haven’t been to Cheerful Hearts, we invite you to meet the team, walk through Cheerful Hearts,
and learn about small groups and ministry offerings. This is the first step and it’s FREE to schedule.
Come see if Cheerful Hearts is a good fit for you!
“The impact of Cheerful Hearts on my life is priceless. The women here have led me to meet and know Jesus in a way I have never known before. I am invited into a community of women that love Jesus, pray for me, and support me in my daily life and walk with the Lord.”
Ministry happens when…
Divine resources (Him)
Meet human need (you)
Through loving channels (us)
To the glory of God (Him again!)
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