As I looked out from the screened porch today the ground was dry! I felt so perplexed in my soul because there had been an abundance of rain over the last year. Go build a house and see how much it actually has rained. Maybe it was just me. So I thought, how long had it been since it rained? I could not remember.  It had slipped my attention. All the plants looked dry and limp and the earth was dusty. I had not been focused on this because in my mind the abundance of rain should  have it covered.


So here is where this led. The earth needs rain on a regular basis.  Most plants need watering daily. They were not made to hold all the water they would ever need from one heavy downpour. Plants, trees, and crops have a continual dependence on the sky to open up and provide the moisture they need to grow and mature and bear fruit. Same for us right?

I can’t soak up all I need to know about Jesus and work on that relationship once in my lifetime or once a year and pretend that I will be sustained on my journey with Him. What does the bible say…all who are thirsty. We have a physical thirst to quench as well as a spiritual thirst to nurture and satisfy with the living water. Our spirits forget over time and life provides so many distractions of problems and busyness. The things we thought we held dear and would never let fall away, drift further and further from our conscious thought.

Our falling in love with God takes daily, or better yet hourly and moment by moment, priority. Our body, soul, and spirit need tending and reminder of His word to prevent the dust to take over. After making this a goal in my life, I now look forward to and get excited by opening up the scriptures and listening to the rain! Some days it is just a slow, gentle trickle like our bubbling fountain, sweet and refreshing. Others its like standing under a fire hose and getting soaked in the splendor, unable to take it all in at once. Don’t miss a single drop meant for you friends. Prepare to jump in the puddles if you must. And once you have drunk your fill, go and share with others who are parched in their very own dessert!