Did you know we hold negative emotions in our body? Pain, hurt, rejection, anger, and bitterness to name a few. Most of it in our subconscious but it can still be physically felt in a clenched jaw, tight shoulders or neck. Our bodies were made by a mysterious and supernatural God, so it is no wonder that all things are intertwined. Something seen as a trauma in our life either large or small stays with us until released.
We have a choice whether to stay stuck with our hurt and live our life or to do the work through wise counsel, prayer, scripture, and any other sources we find available. God gave us a heart for relationships, community, love, and joy but if we block that our with a bitter root we will find it difficult to share His Glory.
I have been hurt, divorced, ignored, shamed, made fun of, betrayed, and been left out. I could use any choice of these feelings to validate my behavior. I finally decided that there had to be a better way to live and I wanted to show up as the best version of what God made me to be. I did the work! It still continues to this day. Traditional counseling (many), Bible studies, Scripture reading, devotions, quiet time, accountability groups, spiritual retreats, life coaching, chiropractic care, integrative massages, emotion sessions, aroma freedom and release work, raindrop massages and freedom work with oils. It has spanned many years and it has been very hard. Just showing up to the appointment when my emotions didn’t feel like it. We have a choice. He will make a way in the wilderness. This ministry of Cheerful Hearts is an anointed place to start. To raise your hand and say enough. To walk into freedom and find true joy and abundance. Don’t waste another day living half blessed.
Come to the War Room and pray. Come be prayed over. Come sit at the feet of the pastoral care staff and find freedom for your spirit, soul, and body. You will never be the same.
We walk by faith not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
A joyful, cheerful heart brings healing to both body and soul. But the one whose heart is crushed struggles with sickness and depression. Proverbs 17:22 (TPT)
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