How fast weeds grow! I drive in the car. A lot! Back roads. Dirt roads. Distances. Lots of time to think. Too much time to ponder.
Today I passed a beautiful fancy wrought iron gate closing the entrance to a long driveway and noticed vines had started to take over. Woven all in the fence. Fresh and green. Fairly new.
I’m sure there was so much hope and planning when that gate was first installed. Like a new start. So many plans. So full of hope.
It reminded me that we must constantly tend to the weeds in our lives. If we are distracted by the world {I call busyness distractions} and just let life happen to us, tiny unwanted seeds will take place. Unworthiness. Not enoughness. unlovedness. Selfishness. Anger. Resentment. Weeds serve no purpose and choke out the good stuff.
We must constantly stand close to the master gardener. Douse the weeds with scripture daily. Pluck those ungodly thoughts out by the roots at first sight. It’s a daily task.
Especially in a stormy season. I don’t know about where you live but out here at the lake after a good rain it’s weedmagedon. Even when we are distracted by our circumstances, we can’t let up meeting with the Lord. Never grow weary.
Take every thought captive. Be purposeful. Make a plan to meet with God every single day and show up. Stay vigilant. Bring your gardening tool, glove up, and learn from the gardener! He will show us how to plant, when and where to sew and water, and what tools are needed and how best to use them. Without His lead there is just chaos.
Snatch those weeds from your mind, your heart, your daily schedule. Stomp them if that’s all you have. Run them over with your car. Phone a friend to help if you must. Pray fervently. Be a good and faithful steward. Servant. Don’t leave your garden unattended. Lay it all as weed pile at the foot of the cross. What’s your weed killing plan today ?
Maybe a better plan would be to prepare the soil where they wouldn’t grow in the first place. Ask Him how to proceed!
Love it!