So I sit and ponder the new year approaching. The leaving behind of memories and also parts that did not serve. I totally believe the Lord is doing a new thing if we let Christ in!

Have you ever had or heard of a word of the year? I’ve done it for a long time. Me and Jesus. Something He wants me to focus on for the year. Usually I start asking when the new year approaches like now. So at the beginning of this current year, He gave me a stack of words. Then took the year to explain them. I needed the slow explanation for sure.

Judgement. To lay down judgement. I stomped my feet. But I’m so good at it. I’ve had many years of practice. I’ve perfected it. But the command was clear. Lay it down.

Resentment. He said I had no right to it. It’s no good for me or the other person. If that means resolving a long fight with my neighbor, my brother and being the first to apologize, do it! Make the visit. Make the phone call. Let it Go!

Expectations. I’m not to have expectations of others. I’ve heard it called having manuals about how others are supposed to behave towards us. The Lord recently revealed to me that someone I expected certain things and behaviors from, didn’t have it to give. Not that they didn’t want to, they just didn’t have it. I expected and judged them and that made me resentful. That will make your heart jump for sure.

Defensive. I had zero right to be defensive. That He would defend me. Just keep your mouth closed Kay. Now that is a hard one cause I like to talk. A lot. And often. He gave me a lot to say. Shhh He replied.

Offended. Again. It is not my right. No matter what happens or what is said. No matter what Lord?

Kingdom. I said that’s a weird word. It’s all about the kingdom and that for now my focus was His kingdom. The kingdom between Him and I. He had the material, earthly kingdom covered if I just kept my eyes on Him.

Has it been easy? No! Do I find myself getting offended or defensive. You bet ya. I can judge someone or something in a skinny minute. But all year long he keeps bringing me back to these words and what He asked of me. Having me check myself, my motives, my heart. Ask Him first.

I’m pretty stubborn and rebellious and can see why He spread it out over a year. I can also clearly understand how He used it as preparation for moving forward. He showed me the behavior represented by these words was not representing Him to others. And also was a stumbling block to my relationship with Him!

So I don’t know if you are like me and have a lifetime degree in judgement, resentment, expectations. And a masters in offense, here is the rub. Are we representing the kingdom with this story? Or would He ask us to be open to a rewrite?

He told me Love must be the focus. Represent Love. Let the Spirit live and move in me! Stay still and live by His prompting. Anyone relate?

Colossians 3.12-14 So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.