We are not victims of our own lives. Of our learned behavior. We can deconstruct what we know and relearn love and
wholehearted, spirit filled living. 

I for one am trying so very hard to get this lesson. I have found so much recent freedom in the knowing. Also here is the secret- it’s not about us.
Walk it out friends. Get curious. Recognize the feelings. Self righteous. Self protective. Offense. Victim. It squeezes out all the space for love and open hearts.
Search the scriptures. Ask for prayer. Listen to wise souls that speak life. Just do whatever it takes so that His purpose in you is not hindered.
We can blame everyone for everything. Offense and hurt feelings are easy. It’s when the rubber hits the road and we are called to forgive, let go, and love that requires strength. Be strong and courageous. He is with us.
Watch how you react. What’s your first thought when things don’t go your way? The blame game is a game no one wins. We are only victims if we choose to be comfortable there. No one to blame but our selves.

Surround your self with folks that support and sharpen you like iron in scripture. Yes people will only move us so far. At some point we must take responsibility for our selves. He made us capable. He made it possible. He is with us.
I for one am ready for generations of poor behavior to stop with me.
It may be hard. It may seem unfair. But it is worth it. He is worth it. What a perfect season for big changes.
Proverbs 27:17 (TPT) It takes a grinding wheel to sharpen a blade, and so one person sharpens the character of another.
Let us get sharp and be used to sharpen others. The kingdom needs us as sharp as possible to be used. Do not confuse this with works. This is more about what is inside of us, in our hearts and mind and where we are rooted, and then once we are healed what do we do with our whole self?
Yes Yes Yes. I want to take control of my feelings and thoughts. You are so right Mrs Hilda. 💗💗💗💗💗