Lord Help us believe the truth about ourselves, no matter how beautiful it is.
How does that statement make you feel? When I read it I paused. It stunned me. But why?
Has the world told us we are unloved, unworthy, don’t belong?
Why have we believed the lie of the enemy?
Friends let’s take hold of the truth that He made us unique and on purpose for all the things He has planned for us. We are loved. We are beautiful. We belong and have every right to be heard and used for the Kingdom.

Can we make room for that thought today?
Sit in it?
Soak it in?
What new thoughts can we think starting today?
Carve new pathways for His Glory.
Today is a new day. Go deep. Wade out into the deep and drop a line. See what you find there. We have spent enough time in the shallows. When the fisherman came up empty handed He commanded them to recast and this time to go deep. We should follow their lead.
Go engage in your beautiful life today.
We have control of our thoughts. Rethink what He says about you. Go dig deep in scripture and treasure hunt for yourself. It’s worth it. So much love for you all.

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