Jealousy. Envy. Covet. Comparison. Competition.
Putting other women down. Gossip. Clawing to be seen as important.
Anger. Frustration.

Letting our emotions rule from a festering wound.
Why do we hold onto these feelings. Emotions.
Why don’t we cheer and clap when another uses her God given talent to serve. To show up and be used.
Could we encourage. Nudge. Whisper “you’ve got this girl!”
Pray over her. For her. Hug her. Clap her on the back. Humble ourselves. Serve. Throw glitter.
And in our beautiful smallness crawl into our Papa’s lap and be healed.
When one wins don’t we all win in the kingdom?
How can we stop the madness that doesn’t serve. Erase the personal
agenda off the slate.
Ask Jesus to show us why? Journal. Crumple up the paper. Walk in freedom. 

I’m cheering for us all.
It doesn’t come natural. It comes from a super natural presence of his spirit.

This will lead to so much freedom. Allowing God to fill us ,then overflow on others. That is our hope here at Cheerful Hearts.
If you have thought about making an appointment for a Heart to Heart session but have not, now is the time. We have made it super easy on the website and the Facebook page. Just hit the schedule button and you are ready to start your journey. We have full access to Him and freedom awaits. Can not wait to meet you in person. Be Blessed.
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