Pictured L to R via Zoom: Pastor Mark Magoma Nyabuto, Lead Pastor, and disciples of the Life Gospel Renda Church Fellowship.
Cheerful Hearts Ministry based in Eatonton, Georgia has officially become an international ministry with its connection to the Life Gospel Renda Church Fellowship located in Ogembo. Ogembo is a small farming town in Kisii County, Kenya. Digital connection led Pastor Mark Magoma Nyabuto to Cheerful Hearts Ministry’s Founder and Director, Hilda Stewart. Lead Pastor Mark from Kenya started the church 6 years ago and simply reached out to Hilda to compliment Cheerful Heart’s website and to share Cheerful Hearts Ministry’s resources with its followers in Ogembo.
Through conversation and sharing of resources, Cheerful Hearts Ministry taught an official bible lesson with the women of Life Gospel Renda Church Fellowship for the first time via Zoom. And plan to continue with monthly teachings. Young children of the church thanked Hilda Stewart and her team through Christian hymns sung in both English and Swahili.
“We equip women to be in relationship with Jesus and to apply The Word to everyday living,” Said Hilda Stewart, Founder and Director or Cheerful Hearts Ministry, “That’s our mission, whether it is here locally or afar. We love to meet women right where they are and love them with the Love of God. This opportunity to share the Gospel with women in Africa has been truly life giving for us and them.”
To make a donation or sign-up for upcoming events, kindly visit www.CheerfulHeartsMinistry.com. To keep up to date on stories like this one, kindly follow us on our social networks – Facebook & Instagram at @CheerfulHeartsMinistry.
About Cheerful Hearts:
Cheerful Hearts is a safe, transforming community where the women: love Jesus, are led by the Holy Spirit, walk by faith, treat others with dignity and compassion, all with a teachable spirit toward each other and God. All we do is grounded in the Word: worship, prayer and praise.
Our heart is to minister to all women the Lord brings us, regardless of the ability to make a donation. We do have a scheduling fee. Monthly supporters and scholarship partners make this possible. We hope that if you find your heart connected to our mission in any way that you would contact us for more information or simply become a financial or prayerful supporter. We would love to tell you more.
God is working in miraculous ways at Cheerful Hearts Ministry. Come to Open House on December 16 and see for yourself! Our God is AWESOME.