What’s Prayer Got to Do with It?

What’s Prayer Got to Do with It?

From the days of infancy at Cheerful Hearts, prayer has been of the utmost importance. We desire to move accordingly with the Holy Spirit, and that requires us to sit before the Lord and listen.God has watchmen on the walls praying for Cheerful Hearts, Jesus is praying for us, the Holy Spirit is as well, and then we pray for women and lead women into sweet times of prayer and communion with the Triune God: it’s a beautiful circle. According to Webster, prayer is a solemn request for help or expression of thanksgiving addressed to God. I think that is pretty good.I also am particularly fond of Andrew Murray’s definition, “Prayer is not monologue, but dialogue; God’s voice is its most essential part. Listening to God’s voice is the secret of the assurance that He will listen to mine.” That description especially dear to me because we do a whole lot of listening at Cheerful Hearts. We even developed a retreat based on a course we took and book we read on Dialogue with God by Mark and Patti Virkler. We developed   it because many of us after embracing these teachings began to hear God as we journaled. Sometimes we can journal pages and pages and we wanted to share that with anyone who has the same hunger to commune with God as we did. Have you longed for that?

Another favorite way to pray for us by bringing people before the Lord in an organized way. We learned this from Ruth Haley Barton. In her book, Strengthening the Soul of your Leadership, she shares these prayers because she says creating the time and space before God’s presence to bring others before God makes for a better leader. We want our leadership to be the best it can. About these holy moments of prayer Ruth says, “I am confident that God, in his love, will bring people to me during such times. Over time, this kind of intercessory prayer practice has been more peaceful and much less effortful than prayer practices that depend on considerable human thought and striving. And I am much more confident that I am actually allowing God to guide me into the prayers that are mine to pray.” She shares basically her template and we have adopted in for prayer for Cheerful Hearts weekly prayer for clients, board, staff, volunteers and their families and communities. This can be found at the bottom of the page. 

Years ago, I learned of a concept called the “Prayer Bowl” and loved it. I am not sure why, but it adds some spice to my prayer time that I enjoy. Prayer Bowls can be purchased but I simply found a pretty bowl at Cheerful Hearts and a pretty little bowl at home and I have sanctified them for prayer. I put notes, cards, photos, just whatever reminds of something important to bring before the Lord and I keep those parked in the bowls in a traffic area and it is a great reminderto grab something from the bowl, pray, and go on with my day. 

It doesn’t have to be in a certain way, with certain words, at certain times but it does have to be… in order to experience the peace and hope of life. Although there are very liturgical ways to pray as well. There is something for everyone.There are many books written that are filled with prayer based on scripture. Avail yourself of those resources. It just might make your prayer life richer.

I hope this has been a little water for your prayer life. Prayer is talking with our creator, our shepherd, our teacher, our friend, our savior, our Lord, our God and our redeemer. Prayer has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH LIFE.  Pray and pray some more. Pray like the woman who pestered the unjust judge, for we have a mighty and good Judge who encourages us in His Word to imitate her. God will answer perfectly in His way and in His time. He hears and responds to all prayer. No prayer is too small. No concern is too small, not too big. God moves, our hearts change, and mighty things happen when we pray. 

With a thankful heart,


From Ruth’s book Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership

“Loving God, I hold in your healing presence those who suffer pain and ill health . . . (silence to allow the names and faces of those you know to come to mind, and then pray) . . . May they know the deep peace of Christ. 

Loving God, I hold in your healing presence those who suffer in mind and spirit . . . . . . May they know the deep peace of Christ.

Loving God, I hold in your healing presence the suffering people of our world, and the places where people are experiencing hurt and division—including places of hurt and division in my own life . . . . . . May we know the deep peace of Christ.

Loving God, I hold in your healing presence those experiencing grief and loss . . . . . . May they know the deep peace of Christ.

Loving God, I hold in your healing presence those who need wisdom for their next steps . . . . . . May they know the deep peace of Christ.

Loving God, I hold in your healing presence those people and situations that seem broken beyond repair . . . . . May they know the deep peace of Christ.

Loving God, I hold in your healing presence and peace those whose needs are not known to me but who are known by you, and those for whom I have been asked to pray . . . And I name in my heart all those who are close to me . . . . . .

May they know the deep peace of Christ. Glory to God, from whom all love flows, glory to Jesus, who showed his love through suffering, and glory to the Holy Spirit, who brings light to the darkest places.”




Why We Use Essential Oils

Why We Use Essential Oils

We believe that our creator God has provided us the medicine we need to be healed and maintain health.


It is not for us to create but to educate ourselves how to use His natural creations to restore wellness to our bodies. Not that we are all synthetic medicine free, but we desire to be and are moving in that direction by educating ourselves and applying these oils in faith.

When we apply essential oils at Cheerful Hearts we do so in faith and in the power and name of God the Father, of the savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We are simply willing vessels to be sued to minister healing. And the recipients can help their body if they are able to receive the application of essential oils in faith.

Dr. David Stewart, author of Healing Oils of the Bible, has told us on more than one occasion that there can be healing through the essential oils alone, there can be healing through prayer and the laying on of hands, but we can increase the healing power by applying the oils in faith and by prayer as we lay hands on our clients. He himself receive healing for a 43 year- old back problem through an application of oils during a RainDrop applied by his wife Lee. A RainDrop is a method of prayerfully anointing with oils on the back and feet. That is when he decided as a scientist, to study the scriptures in depth along with the biochemistry of essential oils.

We have studied under Dr. Stewart and have seen with our own eyes and in our own bodies healing for our physical bodies as well as emotions.

Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.  ” Ezekiel 47.12

In Gratitude, I Welcome You to This Space

In Gratitude, I Welcome You to This Space

Hi Friends

About a dozen years ago I found myself almost in a stupor responding to life events and a sense that God was calling me into something that seemed not only impossible,  but crazy. Did you ever hear the song Crazy Faith by John Waller? Well that is where I was.

I felt so alone… I wasn’t, but I felt like it. I am sure that happens to you sometimes… it does. I was serving as on the clergy team on The Walk to Emmaus ( a weekend retreat)  and these two incredibly creative, energetic, genuine gals reached out to me. Why? Only the Holy Spirit would do such a thing. They themselves had sensed a call to begin a ministry to women… women who had been diagnosed with cancer by providing a tote and love and prayer, you may know it as the Lydia Project.

These spirited, colorful,  authentic gals invited me to come to “prayer time” on Thursdays at the Lydia Project where they would pray for women who had received totes that week. I went. I had no clue what God would do. He did and still is doing. They have encouraged me along the way, more than they will ever know. The Lord has given me the honor of leading them and some friends on several spiritual retreats and some Heart to Heart ministry. Ours has been back and forth life giving-life receiving relationships.

That sort of lands us on today. Our website is being launched! These two gals, Kay Simpson and Amy Breittmann, are a HUGE part of this chapter. Amy has sacrificially given to me and to Cheerful Hearts of her time and talent and love and we have enjoyed much fruit of the Spirit working with her. So, thank you Amy from the very depths of my heart. We are so grateful! And Kay is going to bless us and you! She is going to be Cheerful Hearts Blog Editor. You will get to hear her wit and love for Jesus in ways that will touch your heart and make a difference. No wood, hay and stubble… good good food for the soul. Kay I am thrilled at your agreeing to join us in this role! And very thankful as well.

So welcome friends to Cheerful Hearts website and blog! We hope you will peruse the pages here and find it a place of opportunity and blessing. You will meet Kay often here and now and then a team member. May the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ be lifted high and spread throughout!

Remember…. One of my most favorite scriptures ever, It is….

‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty. Zechariah 4.6

I think I will go listen to Crazy Faith now and praise God for His faithfulness.

From my heart to yours,


Founding Director
Cheerful Hearts Ministry