by Kay Simpson | Mar 1, 2021 | Uncategorized

Ladies. Let’s talk.

Jealousy. Envy. Covet. Comparison. Competition.
Putting other women down. Gossip. Clawing to be seen as important.
Anger. Frustration.

Letting our emotions rule from a festering wound.
Why do we hold onto these feelings. Emotions.
Why don’t we cheer and clap when another uses her God given talent to serve. To show up and be used.
Could we encourage. Nudge. Whisper “you’ve got this girl!”
Pray over her. For her. Hug her. Clap her on the back. Humble ourselves. Serve. Throw glitter.
And in our beautiful smallness crawl into our Papa’s lap and be healed.
When one wins don’t we all win in the kingdom?
How can we stop the madness that doesn’t serve. Erase the personal
Ask Jesus to show us why? Journal. Crumple up the paper. Walk in freedom.

I’m cheering for us all.

It doesn’t come natural. It comes from a super natural presence of his spirit.
This will lead to so much freedom. Allowing God to fill us ,then overflow on others. That is our hope here at Cheerful Hearts.
If you have thought about making an appointment for a Heart to Heart session but have not, now is the time. We have made it super easy on the website and the Facebook page. Just hit the schedule button and you are ready to start your journey. We have full access to Him and freedom awaits. Can not wait to meet you in person. Be Blessed.
by Kay Simpson | Dec 14, 2020 | encouragement
Lord Help us believe the truth about ourselves, no matter how beautiful it is.
How does that statement make you feel? When I read it I paused. It stunned me. But why?
Has the world told us we are unloved, unworthy, don’t belong?
Why have we believed the lie of the enemy?
Friends let’s take hold of the truth that He made us unique and on purpose for all the things He has planned for us. We are loved. We are beautiful. We belong and have every right to be heard and used for the Kingdom.

Can we make room for that thought today?
Sit in it?
Soak it in?
What new thoughts can we think starting today?
Carve new pathways for His Glory.
Today is a new day. Go deep. Wade out into the deep and drop a line. See what you find there. We have spent enough time in the shallows. When the fisherman came up empty handed He commanded them to recast and this time to go deep. We should follow their lead.
Go engage in your beautiful life today.

We have control of our thoughts. Rethink what He says about you. Go dig deep in scripture and treasure hunt for yourself. It’s worth it. So much love for you all.
by Kay Simpson | Nov 17, 2020 | Uncategorized
Sometimes we just need to take a deep breath and realize we don’t have all the answers. We can enjoy silence and peace in our head. We don’t have to make others comfy. We can spend some time wondering and growing close to Jesus. We don’t have to plan or worry or fix. We can embrace a season of “it is not ours to do”
No rushing. No fussing. No striving. No judging. No competition. No telling others how to feel or offering shame.
Let go of old habits and turn down a new path of letting go of being the savior of the universe because the one that does hold that title has it covered.
No words needed. Only kindness to your self. To others. Compassion. Nurturing. Zero pushing. No “more” to be done
Perhaps small baby steps in a forward direction taken calmly and consistently is the way to Joy. Listen to our hearts. Our guts. Pause. Less not more. Joy over fear.

How do we climb a mountain? One brave step at a time. How do we hear the voice of God. Be still and quiet and listen. It’s a whisper. It is constant and consistent. But we drown it out with our doing. Today let’s grow quiet and listen.
Our Pastor is teaching us about Kingdom productivity. What are we doing with His resources and what fruit are we bearing with our choices. We must choose wisely where our time and energy are spent. What are we faithful to? What is His wisdom showing us? Are we running the race He set before us or are we in another lane and confusing worldly needs and wants with Kingdom assignments?
Sometimes we have to go back. and start with the basics. Jeremiah 6:16 states “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly ways, and walk in it. Travel it’s path, and you will find rest for your souls” Today let us stop, look, ask and find rest! AMEN!
by Kay Simpson | Oct 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
It was a busy distracted weekend recently and I’m not sure exactly how I feel about made up Hallmark holidays like daughter day or son day, but I didn’t want to pass up the chance to give a shout out to two of my favorite human beings.
Life is complicated and hard sometimes. I have yet to perfect parenting while being grown and taught myself. They aren’t my world. Were not meant to be but I could embrace the tendency to make them that way. It’s hard to let go. And let the God of the universe have His way. But I trust He can perfect it way better than I can. But I will be on my knees in the meantime.
At a women’s conference recently, this was the message to me loud and clear. Trust the process. No matter where you are or what you are going through. Valley, desert, mountains, wilderness, raging river. There is hope in the process. Patience to be learned in the process. Growth to be found there. We can worship in the process. Because He is there in the process. With us. For us. Loving us. We can look back on the many times we found Him at the end of any trial.
My current biggest advice. Find safe places to share your self. Your deep intimate personal authentic feelings. These places may not be who and what you expected. But we all have emotional sides that need to be explored and heard. Ask yourself some questions. Greatest fears. Biggest longing. Deepest hurt. Write it down. Share with God. Find a human to share. Sharing your story and testimony changes things. Brings perspective. Health. Healing. Then worship. Reminds the enemy He can’t touch us!
Then go learn something new. Some spiritually healthy practice. Some physical activity. Something creative. Leave room for LOVE!.

I love these people. I want to show up whole hearted and I know having them in my life is part of that lesson. And I am grateful.
The hardest part is showing up in the mundane day by day of life. Do something today to make the everyday a little more unique and special.
We are deeply loved by a creative Father and He never leaves us. Not for a minute. Even if in our current circumstances it’s a stretch to believe.

(for those that do not know that is my son Tray who is now 26 and my daughter Sophia who is now 22)
by Kay Simpson | Sep 15, 2020 | blog
We are not victims of our own lives. Of our learned behavior. We can deconstruct what we know and relearn love and
wholehearted, spirit filled living.

I for one am trying so very hard to get this lesson. I have found so much recent freedom in the knowing. Also here is the secret- it’s not about us.
Walk it out friends. Get curious. Recognize the feelings. Self righteous. Self protective. Offense. Victim. It squeezes out all the space for love and open hearts.
Search the scriptures. Ask for prayer. Listen to wise souls that speak life. Just do whatever it takes so that His purpose in you is not hindered.
We can blame everyone for everything. Offense and hurt feelings are easy. It’s when the rubber hits the road and we are called to forgive, let go, and love that requires strength. Be strong and courageous. He is with us.
Watch how you react. What’s your first thought when things don’t go your way? The blame game is a game no one wins. We are only victims if we choose to be comfortable there. No one to blame but our selves.

Surround your self with folks that support and sharpen you like iron in scripture. Yes people will only move us so far. At some point we must take responsibility for our selves. He made us capable. He made it possible. He is with us.
I for one am ready for generations of poor behavior to stop with me.
It may be hard. It may seem unfair. But it is worth it. He is worth it. What a perfect season for big changes.
Proverbs 27:17 (TPT) It takes a grinding wheel to sharpen a blade, and so one person sharpens the character of another.
Let us get sharp and be used to sharpen others. The kingdom needs us as sharp as possible to be used. Do not confuse this with works. This is more about what is inside of us, in our hearts and mind and where we are rooted, and then once we are healed what do we do with our whole self?
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