by Page Morris | Dec 15, 2021 | blog
We have some exciting news to share in this month’s News from the Heart. We have updated the Cheerful Hearts mission statement and logo. This November we quietly celebrated our 15th birthday. Fifteen is a picture of rest in the Bible, with many references to rest for the people of God from Genesis to Revelation. I have longed for Sabbath rest, that rest that Paul speaks of in Hebrews 4 and am tasting it now and again.
A couple months ago, I spoke at a women’s conference about my journey back to health from medical disability. As I spoke the words, “I had been reading God’s Word, loving God’s Word, teaching God’s Word, and studying God’s Word, but I had been doing a poor job of applying God’s Word to everyday living,” it hit me! That is exactly what God had done. He had transformed my relationship with Him through suffering into a much richer and more personal relationship. He had shown and continues to show me daily, when I will look and listen, how to live His Word every day choosing life.
That truly is and has been the mission of Cheerful Hearts all along! All 15 years. We are about what Paul so boldly speaks of in Ephesians Chapter 4 – working together in love and unity and so our new mission statement reads – Cheerful Hearts exists to equip women to be in relationship with Jesus and to apply The Word to everyday living. Everything we do can be directly linked to that end.
We decided to create a fresh new logo to reflect the unity and oneness in Christ and with the body of Christ. We are all in different places on the journey and it looks different for each of us at times, but we are all hearts on The Vine. God has snipped our branch from the wild, grafted us into His family and tenderly creates an environment where we can flourish. He sustains us, nourishes us and carries us when the burden is too heavy. I am aware of abiding more and more and being in genuine community and surrendering my heart continually is essential.
Oh to surrender to the Word, to this amazing love, care and provision and to REST in our union with Christ is our hope! During this most Holy season, we at Cheerful Hearts wish you and your family the dearest Christmas ever.
From my heart to yours,

by Page Morris | Nov 17, 2021 | blog

Pictured L to R via Zoom: Pastor Mark Magoma Nyabuto, Lead Pastor, and disciples of the Life Gospel Renda Church Fellowship.
Cheerful Hearts Ministry based in Eatonton, Georgia has officially become an international ministry with its connection to the Life Gospel Renda Church Fellowship located in Ogembo. Ogembo is a small farming town in Kisii County, Kenya. Digital connection led Pastor Mark Magoma Nyabuto to Cheerful Hearts Ministry’s Founder and Director, Hilda Stewart. Lead Pastor Mark from Kenya started the church 6 years ago and simply reached out to Hilda to compliment Cheerful Heart’s website and to share Cheerful Hearts Ministry’s resources with its followers in Ogembo.
Through conversation and sharing of resources, Cheerful Hearts Ministry taught an official bible lesson with the women of Life Gospel Renda Church Fellowship for the first time via Zoom. And plan to continue with monthly teachings. Young children of the church thanked Hilda Stewart and her team through Christian hymns sung in both English and Swahili.
“We equip women to be in relationship with Jesus and to apply The Word to everyday living,” Said Hilda Stewart, Founder and Director or Cheerful Hearts Ministry, “That’s our mission, whether it is here locally or afar. We love to meet women right where they are and love them with the Love of God. This opportunity to share the Gospel with women in Africa has been truly life giving for us and them.”
To make a donation or sign-up for upcoming events, kindly visit To keep up to date on stories like this one, kindly follow us on our social networks – Facebook & Instagram at @CheerfulHeartsMinistry.
About Cheerful Hearts:
Cheerful Hearts is a safe, transforming community where the women: love Jesus, are led by the Holy Spirit, walk by faith, treat others with dignity and compassion, all with a teachable spirit toward each other and God. All we do is grounded in the Word: worship, prayer and praise.
Our heart is to minister to all women the Lord brings us, regardless of the ability to make a donation. We do have a scheduling fee. Monthly supporters and scholarship partners make this possible. We hope that if you find your heart connected to our mission in any way that you would contact us for more information or simply become a financial or prayerful supporter. We would love to tell you more.
by Hilda Stewart | Jul 2, 2021 | blog
From the days of infancy at Cheerful Hearts, prayer has been of the utmost importance. We desire to move accordingly with the Holy Spirit, and that requires us to sit before the Lord and listen.God has watchmen on the walls praying for Cheerful Hearts, Jesus is praying for us, the Holy Spirit is as well, and then we pray for women and lead women into sweet times of prayer and communion with the Triune God: it’s a beautiful circle. According to Webster, prayer is a solemn request for help or expression of thanksgiving addressed to God. I think that is pretty good.I also am particularly fond of Andrew Murray’s definition, “Prayer is not monologue, but dialogue; God’s voice is its most essential part. Listening to God’s voice is the secret of the assurance that He will listen to mine.” That description especially dear to me because we do a whole lot of listening at Cheerful Hearts. We even developed a retreat based on a course we took and book we read on Dialogue with God by Mark and Patti Virkler. We developed it because many of us after embracing these teachings began to hear God as we journaled. Sometimes we can journal pages and pages and we wanted to share that with anyone who has the same hunger to commune with God as we did. Have you longed for that?
Another favorite way to pray for us by bringing people before the Lord in an organized way. We learned this from Ruth Haley Barton. In her book, Strengthening the Soul of your Leadership, she shares these prayers because she says creating the time and space before God’s presence to bring others before God makes for a better leader. We want our leadership to be the best it can. About these holy moments of prayer Ruth says, “I am confident that God, in his love, will bring people to me during such times. Over time, this kind of intercessory prayer practice has been more peaceful and much less effortful than prayer practices that depend on considerable human thought and striving. And I am much more confident that I am actually allowing God to guide me into the prayers that are mine to pray.” She shares basically her template and we have adopted in for prayer for Cheerful Hearts weekly prayer for clients, board, staff, volunteers and their families and communities. This can be found at the bottom of the page.
Years ago, I learned of a concept called the “Prayer Bowl” and loved it. I am not sure why, but it adds some spice to my prayer time that I enjoy. Prayer Bowls can be purchased but I simply found a pretty bowl at Cheerful Hearts and a pretty little bowl at home and I have sanctified them for prayer. I put notes, cards, photos, just whatever reminds of something important to bring before the Lord and I keep those parked in the bowls in a traffic area and it is a great reminderto grab something from the bowl, pray, and go on with my day.
It doesn’t have to be in a certain way, with certain words, at certain times but it does have to be… in order to experience the peace and hope of life. Although there are very liturgical ways to pray as well. There is something for everyone.There are many books written that are filled with prayer based on scripture. Avail yourself of those resources. It just might make your prayer life richer.
I hope this has been a little water for your prayer life. Prayer is talking with our creator, our shepherd, our teacher, our friend, our savior, our Lord, our God and our redeemer. Prayer has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH LIFE. Pray and pray some more. Pray like the woman who pestered the unjust judge, for we have a mighty and good Judge who encourages us in His Word to imitate her. God will answer perfectly in His way and in His time. He hears and responds to all prayer. No prayer is too small. No concern is too small, not too big. God moves, our hearts change, and mighty things happen when we pray.
With a thankful heart,
From Ruth’s book Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership
“Loving God, I hold in your healing presence those who suffer pain and ill health . . . (silence to allow the names and faces of those you know to come to mind, and then pray) . . . May they know the deep peace of Christ.
Loving God, I hold in your healing presence those who suffer in mind and spirit . . . . . . May they know the deep peace of Christ.
Loving God, I hold in your healing presence the suffering people of our world, and the places where people are experiencing hurt and division—including places of hurt and division in my own life . . . . . . May we know the deep peace of Christ.
Loving God, I hold in your healing presence those experiencing grief and loss . . . . . . May they know the deep peace of Christ.
Loving God, I hold in your healing presence those who need wisdom for their next steps . . . . . . May they know the deep peace of Christ.
Loving God, I hold in your healing presence those people and situations that seem broken beyond repair . . . . . May they know the deep peace of Christ.
Loving God, I hold in your healing presence and peace those whose needs are not known to me but who are known by you, and those for whom I have been asked to pray . . . And I name in my heart all those who are close to me . . . . . .
May they know the deep peace of Christ. Glory to God, from whom all love flows, glory to Jesus, who showed his love through suffering, and glory to the Holy Spirit, who brings light to the darkest places.”
by Kay Simpson | Sep 15, 2020 | blog
We are not victims of our own lives. Of our learned behavior. We can deconstruct what we know and relearn love and
wholehearted, spirit filled living.

I for one am trying so very hard to get this lesson. I have found so much recent freedom in the knowing. Also here is the secret- it’s not about us.
Walk it out friends. Get curious. Recognize the feelings. Self righteous. Self protective. Offense. Victim. It squeezes out all the space for love and open hearts.
Search the scriptures. Ask for prayer. Listen to wise souls that speak life. Just do whatever it takes so that His purpose in you is not hindered.
We can blame everyone for everything. Offense and hurt feelings are easy. It’s when the rubber hits the road and we are called to forgive, let go, and love that requires strength. Be strong and courageous. He is with us.
Watch how you react. What’s your first thought when things don’t go your way? The blame game is a game no one wins. We are only victims if we choose to be comfortable there. No one to blame but our selves.

Surround your self with folks that support and sharpen you like iron in scripture. Yes people will only move us so far. At some point we must take responsibility for our selves. He made us capable. He made it possible. He is with us.
I for one am ready for generations of poor behavior to stop with me.
It may be hard. It may seem unfair. But it is worth it. He is worth it. What a perfect season for big changes.
Proverbs 27:17 (TPT) It takes a grinding wheel to sharpen a blade, and so one person sharpens the character of another.
Let us get sharp and be used to sharpen others. The kingdom needs us as sharp as possible to be used. Do not confuse this with works. This is more about what is inside of us, in our hearts and mind and where we are rooted, and then once we are healed what do we do with our whole self?
by Hilda Stewart | Jun 18, 2020 | blog
We believe that our creator God has provided us the medicine we need to be healed and maintain health.
It is not for us to create but to educate ourselves how to use His natural creations to restore wellness to our bodies. Not that we are all synthetic medicine free, but we desire to be and are moving in that direction by educating ourselves and applying these oils in faith.
When we apply essential oils at Cheerful Hearts we do so in faith and in the power and name of God the Father, of the savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We are simply willing vessels to be sued to minister healing. And the recipients can help their body if they are able to receive the application of essential oils in faith.
Dr. David Stewart, author of Healing Oils of the Bible, has told us on more than one occasion that there can be healing through the essential oils alone, there can be healing through prayer and the laying on of hands, but we can increase the healing power by applying the oils in faith and by prayer as we lay hands on our clients. He himself receive healing for a 43 year- old back problem through an application of oils during a RainDrop applied by his wife Lee. A RainDrop is a method of prayerfully anointing with oils on the back and feet. That is when he decided as a scientist, to study the scriptures in depth along with the biochemistry of essential oils.
We have studied under Dr. Stewart and have seen with our own eyes and in our own bodies healing for our physical bodies as well as emotions.
Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing. ” Ezekiel 47.12
by Kay Simpson | Apr 15, 2020 | blog
As part of Holy Week the following was my podcast. I was so impacted about it and felt the Lord gave it to me word by word. I was prompted to share the written words but didn’t, and then a friend this morning asked me to share it, so here it is. Wednesday of Holy Week is called Spy Wednesday, Great Wednesday, Silent Wednesday, Holy Wednesday. I didn’t grow up focusing on Holy Week celebrations in my traditional church. So, it has been so amazing digging deeper.
I wanted to share two characters that stood out. Both got a bad rap from others. One from her sister and others, and one from most of us. Most stories hold tension between Beautiful and brutal. We call it brutiful. Tragedy and triumph. They always seem to come together in our circumstances. I want to share some thoughts about Mary (Lazarus’s sister) and Judas. Mary prepared Jesus’s body for burial by anointing him. Judas played a part in his death. Mary acted out of love for Jesus and Judas acted out of love for himself. Or money maybe. I believe that both characters have something to teach us.
In scripture Mary anoints Jesus with 12 ounces of pure Nard. A very expensive oil. Probably costing a year’s wages which today is estimated about $10,000. It was an extravagant gesture. Some scripture accounts say she anointed his feet, and some say his head and most believe it was his whole body. Whichever it was the whole house was full of the grounding fragrance of spikenard. She sat at his feet which was inappropriate and wiped them with her hair. Even more of a no no to have her hair down. Judas was dismayed and said so. Basically, calling Mary out for being wasteful. He thought it was too high of a price to pay. He was whining about it to Jesus.

And here is what I thought. When was the last time I sat at the feet of Jesus, no matter the cost? No matter how busy I was or who was watching or who was making fun. When was the last time I left the dishes in the sink and the house a mess and sat at his feet until the fragrance of my prayers and worship filled the atmosphere? When was the last time I tried something new and broke away from old traditions to wipe Jesus feet with my hair? Sitting on the floor is a pretty humbling experience all on its own.
I can’t help but feel like this gesture of love was out of pure gratitude. That it was an act of worship. She adored Jesus. This was a walking out of her belief that Jesus was who He said he was. She believed him and believed in him.
Judas on the other hand betrays Jesus. He meets up with some priests and agrees on a price. Thirty pieces of silver was the amount. Probably worth a couple hundred dollars today. Seems kind of low. Makes us wonder about Judas. Doing some digging, it was speculated that maybe Judas never actually believed in Jesus. That he was looking for Jesus to be something He was not. He was looking for Jesus to be different than He was. He had unmet expectations of how He thought things should be. That was Judas’s choice to make. He was human. He was probably lacking faith. He most likely did not have a personal relationship with Jesus. His choices were a matter of life and death.
How does this relate to us? Do we fail to recognize Jesus and him working in our lives because we expect it to look different? Are we looking for the wrong thing and missing the real thing? We as well are responsible for our own choices. And how we choose may well be a matter of life and death. Are we found betraying or believing? Judas made a deal and was on the lookout for an opportunity to betray Jesus. Is giving our life to Jesus too high a price to pay and we settle for a life lost and tragic? Do we choose the $10,000 or the $200? How much is too much to pay for a man that crawled up on that cross himself for us?
What in our life betrays Jesus like Judah did? Even Peter betrayed him three times. We are not immune. We judge a lost man that was so broken after what he did that he hung himself. Do we ever fail to recognize God for who he is and if so how is that different than Judas betrayal? How have we lost our way without even recognizing it? How is it with our souls?
So here is the question: Could we stop right now and switch characters? Could we drop to our knees at Jesus’s feet and not care about the cost? It is time friends to believe with our whole hearts. To offer our lives in gratitude as worship. The plot twist is that Jesus died for us. It is our choice to receive or not. He came as a humble king to save us. He rode in on a donkey. Take courage friends. While most of us have schedules and lives interrupted could we take the opportunity and do some soul searching and ponder on these two main characters? Take some time to pray, fast maybe, sit with Jesus, journal. If you have been resisting the urge from him, today is the perfect day to surrender our hearts.
Two verses to share. One is about the cost of discipleship. Luke 14:33 So you cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own. Is that cost too high?
Isaiah 30:15 This is what the sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel says: “Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength but you would have none of it. “
Take some time. Sit is silence. Make some choices.
Come Lord Jesus. Hear our prayers as we count the cost. We get the choice between life and death. I pray we choose life. Amen.
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