Are We the Lame Man on the Porch
So many confirming nuggets from Sunday’s sermon. I constantly pray that I will never be the same when I leave His presence. That daily I am changed. I desire to be transformed. It’s uncomfortable. It’s messy. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Most days. I’ve been on a journey for at least 4 years to be made new. Never the same.
Sunday’s word shed light on a familiar verse. We were in John 5 with the lame man. The lame man who had been lame for 38 YEARS!!!! The in-firmed rested on porches around the pool that the angel stirred on occasion. Once stirred it was first come first served for the healing swim.
On the porches the plight was the same. Lame. Blind. Paralyzed. {Most information to follow here is my take on my Pastor’s words. I was dumbstruck.} They had all congregated on the porch with people similar to them. Same issues. No one to challenge them/us or push them/us to change. Comfortable in their infirmity. Comfortable with the others who made it all seem normal. Not challenged. Not changed. Not dead. Not alive. Surviving. {Martyr of the cause perhaps} What’s easier? Make the best of our “lot in life” rather than challenge it and see it changed. See ourselves healed.
What if instead of complaining that no one else took him to the water, he drug himself thru the mud to the pool! No excuses. Knuckles scraping. Sweaty. Crowded. What if he/ we believed enough to make our way towards His healing presence ourselves. It could be if we step out enough the mud will slide us the rest of the way. It’s been raining here too much can you tell?
Fighting. Overcoming. Transformed. Believing we have in us what it takes and it’s no one else’s job or fault where we are. And we don’t have to stay where we are. The porch dwellers couldn’t drag the man to the pool for an obvious reason I’ve always missed. They were in the same boat!!!! He was looking for love in all the wrong places. Looking at people who couldn’t be for him what he thought he needed.
I knew several years ago there had to be a better way and that I wanted to start showing up as the best version of myself. Who was in charge of taking the first step? Me. And who was my Helper? The Holy Spirit that was indwelling in me all along.
I had the option to say I’m scared. I’m not enough. I have this diagnosis. I’ve never been good at math. I’ve been hurt. I’m flawed. This is who I am and what I’ve always been. Hold onto my labels like a security blanket. It’s their fault. I need someone else to carry me. Take me. Tell me what to do. Give me a step by step. Tell me how this all will look.
But instead, what if we start crawling towards the pool. Looking like a fool. Leaving a trail of mishaps, missed footing, and slip ups along the way. Take the first big move. My favorite quote from the Wizard of Oz “you’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.” Always His power, Holy spirit power, available to us!
Jesus told the man to get up. He didn’t carry him to the pool. The healing was inside of him all along. In the presence of Jesus. The wellness we seek is available anytime. It doesn’t depend on the pool or it’s water. Maybe we are the pool for others. Speaking wellness and healing. The pool goes with us.
Be the pool. Speak life. Wouldn’t you regret being the reason another stumbled because of your cross words. Your snippy comments. Your unhealed wounds. Stop. Hold your tongue. Your thoughts. Step toward healing first. It’s found in His presence and He’s capable of writing a new story. Not better but completely healed and changed. Is the thought of your responsibility in the exchange daunting? Can you receive His love, His spirit in order to share that love to others? Love changes things in the church. In the pool. Come on in. The water is fine. Scoot yourself down close enough and I’ll grab your hand. I need you. I need the people in my life to show up as the best version of themselves. The God breathed, whole, self God planned.
Cheerful Hearts offers a variety of Healing services. One on Ones. Bible studies. Yoga. Emotional freedom with essential oils. Retreats. Take the first step of faith! I did! It’s worth the work.
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