by Kay Simpson | Jun 5, 2019 | encouragement
Did you know we hold negative emotions in our body? Pain, hurt, rejection, anger, and bitterness to name a few. Most of it in our subconscious but it can still be physically felt in a clenched jaw, tight shoulders or neck. Our bodies were made by a mysterious and supernatural God, so it is no wonder that all things are intertwined. Something seen as a trauma in our life either large or small stays with us until released.
We have a choice whether to stay stuck with our hurt and live our life or to do the work through wise counsel, prayer, scripture, and any other sources we find available. God gave us a heart for relationships, community, love, and joy but if we block that our with a bitter root we will find it difficult to share His Glory.
I have been hurt, divorced, ignored, shamed, made fun of, betrayed, and been left out. I could use any choice of these feelings to validate my behavior. I finally decided that there had to be a better way to live and I wanted to show up as the best version of what God made me to be. I did the work! It still continues to this day. Traditional counseling (many), Bible studies, Scripture reading, devotions, quiet time, accountability groups, spiritual retreats, life coaching, chiropractic care, integrative massages, emotion sessions, aroma freedom and release work, raindrop massages and freedom work with oils. It has spanned many years and it has been very hard. Just showing up to the appointment when my emotions didn’t feel like it. We have a choice. He will make a way in the wilderness. This ministry of Cheerful Hearts is an anointed place to start. To raise your hand and say enough. To walk into freedom and find true joy and abundance. Don’t waste another day living half blessed.
Come to the War Room and pray. Come be prayed over. Come sit at the feet of the pastoral care staff and find freedom for your spirit, soul, and body. You will never be the same.
We walk by faith not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
A joyful, cheerful heart brings healing to both body and soul. But the one whose heart is crushed struggles with sickness and depression. Proverbs 17:22 (TPT)
by Kay Simpson | May 2, 2019 | blog, encouragement
As I looked out from the screened porch today the ground was dry! I felt so perplexed in my soul because there had been an abundance of rain over the last year. Go build a house and see how much it actually has rained. Maybe it was just me. So I thought, how long had it been since it rained? I could not remember. It had slipped my attention. All the plants looked dry and limp and the earth was dusty. I had not been focused on this because in my mind the abundance of rain should have it covered.
So here is where this led. The earth needs rain on a regular basis. Most plants need watering daily. They were not made to hold all the water they would ever need from one heavy downpour. Plants, trees, and crops have a continual dependence on the sky to open up and provide the moisture they need to grow and mature and bear fruit. Same for us right?
I can’t soak up all I need to know about Jesus and work on that relationship once in my lifetime or once a year and pretend that I will be sustained on my journey with Him. What does the bible say…all who are thirsty. We have a physical thirst to quench as well as a spiritual thirst to nurture and satisfy with the living water. Our spirits forget over time and life provides so many distractions of problems and busyness. The things we thought we held dear and would never let fall away, drift further and further from our conscious thought.

Our falling in love with God takes daily, or better yet hourly and moment by moment, priority. Our body, soul, and spirit need tending and reminder of His word to prevent the dust to take over. After making this a goal in my life, I now look forward to and get excited by opening up the scriptures and listening to the rain! Some days it is just a slow, gentle trickle like our bubbling fountain, sweet and refreshing. Others its like standing under a fire hose and getting soaked in the splendor, unable to take it all in at once. Don’t miss a single drop meant for you friends. Prepare to jump in the puddles if you must. And once you have drunk your fill, go and share with others who are parched in their very own dessert!

by Kay Simpson | Apr 4, 2019 | blog, encouragement, Uncategorized

Who is your guide?
My husband recently went on a fly fishing trip with his work group. This was uncharted territory for him as he had never had this experience. Come to find out you can’t just plop down in the river somewhere and throw out a line. You need all the right equipment and skilled guides. So it’s going to cost you some things. Time. Planning. Money. Pride. There is a method to the madness.
God has recently wooed me back to more dependency on His word. I need some semblance of a plan for my life and there should be order to my days. I’m to seek Him first. So He can guide my day. My guide book is His word. All instruction I need is available there.
Who is your guide? Who leads your day and agenda? Does your day just happen to you or is it laid at the feet of Jesus each morning. I used to balk at the “first thing in the morning” idea. No hard and fast rules for me, the renegade. But if we don’t first drink from the cup, the direction of our day is unsure. Blown by the wind perhaps wherever circumstances take us. But if we center first, then no matter the circumstances our compass is set and we can rise above what is presented. The guide knows the way.
So my encouragement to each of us, always myself included, is to set a plan in motion of sitting with your daily guide, each morning upon rising. No matter how simple or complicated that needs to look. Start with a small devotion book if needed but never hesitate to actually open His Word and give Him your day!! See what and difference your day holds. Happy Fishing.
by Kay Simpson | Mar 6, 2019 | blog, encouragement

Inspiration over Aspiration. What comes more naturally to you? For awhile now I have been working in my own strength, my own power, in a sense striving! Trusting only myself. I was struggling with panic and anxiety . I came across these two words in a devotion book.
Inspiration. Aspiration. They struck me!
I started searching for meaning in them. One meaning of each word is very similar. Inspiration- the drawing in of breath, plus divine influence, mentally stimulated to do or feel something creative. Aspiration- The action of drawing breath plus strong desire to achieve. What struck me and what I believe God is trying to teach me in many different ways is this: Although they may seem similar there is a subtle difference. One seems more of a natural step that happens without much effort on our part. The drawing in of breath. It’s natural and vital for life. The other is an action we perform. It requires effort we sometimes don’t have to give.
I am exhausted from performing. After a recent session with a counselor of sorts, she spoke to me about trust and being still. Letting God handle what I had been trying to shoulder. To not keep forcing and pushing because I indeed can’t do it all. Pushing through is not a healthy coping mechanism. Feelings need to be felt and processed. I have a limited amount of energy. I am a human being and I need to learn to be. Be still. Soak in peace. Deep breath and inhale the good and breath out the bad. I need to just believe and trust that God is who He says He is. He brings Peace. I learned I am in fact mistreating my body by lack of sleep, pushing myself, punishing my being: causing chaos and confusion in the process of being overwhelmed and resisting what comes naturally. Holding my own breath in fact. Or breathing so fast and shallow that nothing is served. Panic prevails.
I was instructed to think of tending a garden. Sometimes it needs pruning, sometimes water is required, there are dormant
seasons and fertilizer needed for healthy fruit and flowers in due time.It can’t be rushed. It must be a natural process. We need to save our strength at times to weed, to harvest, to be able to pick up the trowel and plant. Sunday Pastor even shared Proverbs 5:15- Drink water from your own well, The Holy Spirit in us. Not looking at others to be wells for us. Not in our own power or might but the indwelling we have available to us. At times it may look like we are trusting God but unconsciously picking up the things we had once laid down and trying to tote them again.
I am learning to trust Jehovah Jireh- God will provide. When I look back, He has proven faithful again and again. How easily we get distracted and forget! I am making a goal to invite God in. He wants to handle our stuff. He wants us to have hope and joy in our circumstances. He is the source of power. Favorite word today from Pastor- Don’t let the presence of the battle make us question the presence of God. I am desiring His presence and inspiration over any of my aspirations. Have you ever tried to do life in your own power, rushing ahead of God our creator. Then asking for Him to bless our crazy mess? Maybe I am the only one, but I sure have stuck my fingers in my own ears many times. So I am counseling myself that now I know better and I wish and pray to do life His way. Hope this encourages someone in some small way! Rest, Peace, and Presence to you all.
Big Hugs Beloved,
Kay Simpson
by Kay Simpson | Feb 6, 2019 | blog, encouragement
So many confirming nuggets from Sunday’s sermon. I constantly pray that I will never be the same when I leave His presence. That daily I am changed. I desire to be transformed. It’s uncomfortable. It’s messy. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Most days. I’ve been on a journey for at least 4 years to be made new. Never the same.
Sunday’s word shed light on a familiar verse. We were in John 5 with the lame man. The lame man who had been lame for 38 YEARS!!!! The in-firmed rested on porches around the pool that the angel stirred on occasion. Once stirred it was first come first served for the healing swim.
On the porches the plight was the same. Lame. Blind. Paralyzed. {Most information to follow here is my take on my Pastor’s
words. I was dumbstruck.} They had all congregated on the porch with people similar to them. Same issues. No one to challenge them/us or push them/us to change. Comfortable in their infirmity. Comfortable with the others who made it all seem normal. Not challenged. Not changed. Not dead. Not alive. Surviving. {Martyr of the cause perhaps} What’s easier? Make the best of our “lot in life” rather than challenge it and see it changed. See ourselves healed.
What if instead of complaining that no one else took him to the water, he drug himself thru the mud to the pool! No excuses. Knuckles scraping. Sweaty. Crowded. What if he/ we believed enough to make our way towards His healing presence ourselves. It could be if we step out enough the mud will slide us the rest of the way. It’s been raining here too much can you tell?
Fighting. Overcoming. Transformed. Believing we have in us what it takes and it’s no one else’s job or fault where we are. And we don’t have to stay where we are. The porch dwellers couldn’t drag the man to the pool for an obvious reason I’ve always missed. They were in the same boat!!!! He was looking for love in all the wrong places. Looking at people who couldn’t be for him what he thought he needed.
I knew several years ago there had to be a better way and that I wanted to start showing up as the best version of myself. Who was in charge of taking the first step? Me. And who was my Helper? The Holy Spirit that was indwelling in me all along.
I had the option to say I’m scared. I’m not enough. I have this diagnosis. I’ve never been good at math. I’ve been hurt. I’m flawed. This is who I am and what I’ve always been. Hold onto my labels like a security blanket. It’s their fault. I need someone else to carry me. Take me. Tell me what to do. Give me a step by step. Tell me how this all will look.
But instead, what if we start crawling towards the pool. Looking like a fool. Leaving a trail of mishaps, missed footing, and slip ups along the way. Take the first big move. My favorite quote from the Wizard of Oz “you’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.” Always His power, Holy spirit power, available to us! 
Jesus told the man to get up. He didn’t carry him to the pool. The healing was inside of him all along. In the presence of Jesus. The wellness we seek is available anytime. It doesn’t depend on the pool or it’s water. Maybe we are the pool for others. Speaking wellness and healing. The pool goes with us.
Be the pool. Speak life. Wouldn’t you regret being the reason another stumbled because of your cross words. Your snippy comments. Your unhealed wounds. Stop. Hold your tongue. Your thoughts. Step toward healing first. It’s found in His presence and He’s capable of writing a new story. Not better but completely healed and changed. Is the thought of your responsibility in the exchange daunting? Can you receive His love, His spirit in order to share that love to others? Love changes things in the church. In the pool. Come on in. The water is fine. Scoot yourself down close enough and I’ll grab your hand. I need you. I need the people in my life to show up as the best version of themselves. The God breathed, whole, self God planned.
Cheerful Hearts offers a variety of Healing services. One on Ones. Bible studies. Yoga. Emotional freedom with essential oils. Retreats. Take the first step of faith! I did! It’s worth the work.
by Kay Simpson | Jan 10, 2019 | blog, encouragement
A note from Hilda, Our Founding Director:
I am so delighted to welcome my dear friend Kay to this space. Kay will be blessing us as our Blog Editor. A dear dear soul, a long time friend of both mine and Cheerful Hearts and a lover of Jesus will touch your heart with her wit, wisdom and unfeigned self. Kay, I am thrilled at your agreeing to join us in this role! Thank you.

Hi Friends Let’s get to know each other. I’ll go first!
I was raised as a Methodist, trained as a nurse, and love being a mom. My husband and I have been married for 26 years and have two children: Tray who is 24 and Sophie who is 20. I’ve been humbled to my core by parenting.
I have worked in the operating room, served at a church preschool, been a stay-at-home mom, and started a creative sewing business with two friends that morphed into a ministry for women- The Lydia Project. I love a full table at my house, thrifting and junking for amazing deals, eating wings (no breading), and ethical fashion.
Until I was well into my adulthood, I didn’t have good, deep friendships. Mainly it was not knowing how to maintain this important part of community. It has taken years of work to show up as the authentic, God-given version of myself. I’ve been a rebel and a mess-maker from the beginning. God in his Grace has never stopped pursuing me.
During my life I have been in and out of several churches. I feel I am showing up where God calls. Lately life has involved beauty and chaos in the same season. I have known the ladies of Cheerful Hearts since its inception. I have spent many hours at Hilda’s feet and she has been a vessel to save me from myself.
Currently I am still nursing one day a week, commuting from my far away lake house in Lincolnton, GA. I am beyond blessed to be a part of a wellness community under Dr. Edie Wadsworth on her Young Living team and I am a Gold Leader. As of late my thoughts and words have found their way out of my mouth and brain and onto social media. I have never been good with boundaries and what to say and not say. Some good and some bad. Still learning. But I always strive to bring Hope and give God the Glory, because the bottom line is Jesus is the way. I embrace this with my whole heart.
I look forward to getting to know you and us learning from each other. You are invited and welcome in this place! My heart’s desire is that we just keep showing up for each other.
Be Blessed friends.
Kay Simpson, Blog Editor
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