Tools for the Journey
We truly believe transformation flourishes in the context of safe authentic loving community. Cheerful Hearts has been hailed that by many for years. We are not geared toward fixing people, but rather oriented at encouraging and practicing surrender and release of all that is not our authentic self to a great and powerful God who can do unbelievable transformation with such surrender. To encourage and equip women to enter and grow in a relationship with Jesus is the best use of our time.
The definition of ministry that we adhere to at Cheerful Hearts was written by Warren Wiersbe:
Ministry happens when…
Divine resources (Him)
Meet human need (you)
Through loving channels (us)
To the glory of God (Him again!)
We offer a wide variety of “ministry” options that all are created to equip women to know God more deeply and awaken His freedom in her life. To know His Word, to apply His Truths, to surrender, to praise and obey God are foundational actions that can be utilized for a more Christ-like life.
“You all served the fruits of the Spirit with such grace and I know God is using you in ways you may only know of as you walk the streets of Glory!”