
Stories and inspiring words from Cheerful Hearts Ministry

Ladies Let’s Talk

Ladies Let’s Talk

Ladies. Let’s talk. Jealousy. Envy. Covet. Comparison. Competition. Putting other women down. Gossip. Clawing to be seen as important. Anger. Frustration. Letting our emotions rule from a festering wound. Why??? Why do we hold onto these feelings. Emotions. Why don’t...

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Kingdom Productivity

Kingdom Productivity

Sometimes we just need to take a deep breath and realize we don’t have all the answers. We can enjoy silence and peace in our head. We don’t have to make others comfy. We can spend some time wondering and growing close to Jesus. We don’t have to plan or worry or fix....

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Trust the Process

Trust the Process

It was a busy distracted weekend recently and I’m not sure exactly how I feel about made up Hallmark holidays like daughter day or son day, but I didn’t want to pass up the chance to give a shout out to two of my favorite human...

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Wholehearted, Spirit-Filled Living

Wholehearted, Spirit-Filled Living

We are not victims of our own lives. Of our learned behavior. We can deconstruct what we know and relearn love and wholehearted, spirit filled living. I for one am trying so very hard to get this lesson. I have found so much recent freedom in the knowing. Also here is...

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Why We Use Essential Oils

Why We Use Essential Oils

We believe that our creator God has provided us the medicine we need to be healed and maintain health.   It is not for us to create but to educate ourselves how to use His natural creations to restore wellness to our bodies. Not that we are all synthetic medicine...

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Brutiful Truths

Brutiful Truths

As part of Holy Week the following was my podcast. I was so impacted about it and felt the Lord gave it to me word by word. I was prompted to share the written words but didn’t, and then a friend this morning asked me to share it, so here it is. Wednesday of Holy Week...

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